2023 Articles
✦ September
An Introduction to Internal Developer Platforms
These days, developers have a lot of cognitive load.
You’re not just writing code, you’re playing around with
2023 Articles
✦ September
Blogging as a Software Engineer: Lessons Learned From 90+ Articles
Writing has single-handedly been the most important skill I’ve ever learned.
But at the beginning, I didn’t think
An Introduction to Site Reliability Engineering
A lot of software engineers forget why their software is successful. (or why it's not).
The #1 reason
How I Stopped Daydreaming and Started Living a More Fulfilling Life
I've always been a daydreamer.
I don't know how common it is with people but I&
Load Balancing 101: How It Works and Why It Matters for Your Platform
Starting this year, I felt out of control of my life.
Things were moving but it all felt a bit
Thoughts on ChatGPT and How I use it
When ChatGPT came out, I used it a lot.
From my job to my writing and fitness.
But then I
How to Set Up NGINX Load Balancing: A Step-by-Step Guide
In the last article, I talked about load balancing in the context of Kubernetes.
This time, we will talk about
Load Balancing in Kubernetes: A Step-by-Step Guide
Load balancing is the process of distributing network traffic equally over a set of resources that support an application.
Designing Developer Friendly Self-Service Platforms
Imagine that you're a DevOps developer.
Everyone keeps asking you to do something.
"Hey, can you help
The ABCs of System Design: A Beginner's Guide
Have you ever wondered how complex systems are built in companies like Google, Netflix or Amazon?
The answer is good
Microservices Principles: Decomposition
You were tasked with creating a new project.
As this project's scope is enormous, you decide to separate
Creating RESTful APIs using Go, GORM, and PostgreSQL
One of the most common uses for Go is in making backend services. This mostly includes creating RESTful APIs.
An Introduction to DORA Metrics
Why should we care about metrics?
Because it tells us whether we are moving forward or backwards.
In the world
Kubernetes for Dummies
The software world has changed since the increase in the popularity of containerisation.
Technologies such as Docker are widely used
Working Effectively with Legacy Code: Chapter 9 Summary
Back at it again, this week we will cover chapter 9 of the book titled "I can't
Unconditional Parenting — Book Review #1
Welcome to my new series on books.
I like to read books and figured out why don't I